Friday, August 31, 2007

BBQ day for Bish dept


Our lovely Ah-Bish dept Part 2 of 2

Our lovely Ah-Bish dept Part 1 of 2

Attention all bished up readers!!!

I will be migrating all photos from my previous hotmail-live spaces u may see some 'old' fotos here ya ^^

Ah Bish dept got something to eat again!!!!!

Edward pass us these pastries to eat wahahahaha :)
nice nice yum yum!!!

Dinner @ Dao Hwey Restaurant 30th Aug 07

We had a Teacher's day dinner at Dao hwey Restaurant at Park Royal Hotel going for wedding dinner like that wahahahaha :) The food was soso la...erm...maybe coz we spent more time laughing than eating...hehe...well the waiter held on to a pinochio teapot was walking around to help us refill our teacup..erm..interesting la but a bit dangerous leh coz he suddenly popped up from nowhere ^^