Friday, January 11, 2008

A week have passed...busy....but still didn't really erase the sorrow....

It has been a week...after Mr Lan Qin Xi's (MC King) death...don't know how to phrase it...but there's this veil of sorrow over me......maybe his words during lessons are still very vivid to my head. How can someone just die like unfair....although he is a celebrity....but during his class, he never have any airs about his status...when he comes in, respect was what i would gave...he was extremely down-to-earth. Last week i felt sickly due to the flu, my if it's gonna juz went watery...the news hit me hard.I am not related to Mr Lan...but i feel proud for having such a down-to-earth teacher...who once taught me.It makes me reflect about my own life..whether i have done anything that changes people's life for the better....i dunno....did i?...

The death news was like a 2nd flu..makes me blur...throughout the week, i was busy...really busy...IT lesson starts for the sec 1s, 3T and 4T...i'm trying very hard to stay conscious during the 1st few days...i couldn't take mc..the previous medication didn't work...

until the 3rd day, i couldn't take it liao.....went to see doc after my some stupid teacher still come and tell me why i mc for...i look ok people must bandaged themselves come got such EQ low ppl.....

I have been thinking...if today is my last day on will it feel...will i know how it feels....

how will people in my life feel...
Who is going to do my job and teach IT to my Sec ones, three, and four
What will happen to my unfinished plans...
Things that i wanted to say but never say to some ppl....
What about the things that i have reserved, ordered...and booked....

i dunno...

i guess i will not have the time to worry abt all these...

Guess i'll just be happy..about happy moments that i had once experienced...
perhaps dun create too much happy memories le...
i'm afraid i can't bear to let go...that will be more painful...


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