Friday, September 28, 2007

适应 by 迷路兵

没想过爱竟会下落不明 寂寞都 不忍心 故事的结局走不出背影 我只能 静静地 风吹醒 那些曾经 转过身 我用眼泪聆听

心 该怎么学会去 适应 那些没你的安静 我 也想小心地收起所 有回忆 却总是忍不 住不断的翻起

没想过爱竟会下落不明 寂寞都 不忍心 故事的结局走不出背影 我只能 (我只能) 静静地 风吹醒 那些曾经 (那些曾经)
转过身 我用眼泪聆听

心 该怎么学会去 适应 那些没你的安静 我 也想小心地收起所 有回忆 你却一直住在心里 是谁都无法代替

Ho-Oh~ Woo-Oh Da-Da-Da-Da-Da Da-Da Woo-Oh-Ho~

我的心 该怎么学会去 适应 那些没你的安静 我 也想小心地收起所 有回忆 却总是忍不 住不断 的翻起 Ho-Woo 爱开始了该怎么去喊停 Mmm~


Ah-Bish Bear meet new friends

Ah bish bear goes to camp at siqi's house and meet new friends :)
She meets carrot baby and xiao gui!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

so many things to do ...Ah Bish bear cannot take it anymore.....

Ah-bish bear got to do website, banner, photography, lab duty, delivery of contest artworks, powerpoint presentations, video taking, video editing..AAhhh!!

bish bear is sad

only look forward to waffer and fishballs..T.T

gift from taiwan!!!!

no chocolates nvm la...i get non-edible thingsfrom students lo...:P

luanne is leaving wuwu T.T

our art teacher luanne is leaving T.T
the most stylo milo teacher in the school who rides a bike.waaaa
i bought a cutie stuff toy for her
see see so cute :)

all the best for her la

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

pixs taken with students

haha Xingzi and Joyce took this photos...kind of like the blurry fairy fairy effect..:)
well we juz wen crazy and started taking pixs in the mac lab..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ah_Bish.....We r looking cutely toot haha :P

This is me, carrot baby and my toot toot specs :)
Recently the ah-bish dept @ zhss have been traumatised by this black specs...and everyone's making the same black specs....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (><) kaka :P

overall we confirm ONE thing....
we are look toot hahahaha!!!!!!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

i got gifts!!!

*drumroll..* Say hi to Ah-Bish-Bear!!!!!!

Ah bish dept got a new friendly furry member!!!
Ah Bish Bear Bear!!
This 1 month old fella stands proud at 17cm...
it's pure light beige in color and's furry
for these few's main job duties was to sit beside me and accompany me through this stress period of time when i am not well...*kiss kiss* .....

kind of remind me of my long lost soft toy..well..nvm...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bish Mooncakes!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

mrQ got CHOCOLATES!!!! wohoo^^

waha mrQ got chocolate from Ms Soolan!!!!
*clap clap*
at first we thot only ah hen will have all the chocolates..chey haha
that means that we will have more things to store in our pathetic fridge
but this time round we shall let mrQ eat the chocolates himself becoz these days he work like mad..

before the wedding dinner....

bishpool outing ^^

we had a pool outing on 8/8...warew it was freaky lo...whenever mamahen joins a team, that team confirm lose lor...ahhhh :{
but overall mr Q and Ferry played the best !!! *clap clap*

The rest of us, we can erm..encourage ourselves by shooting less white balls in the next time ya kakaka :P

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Ex-colleagues ^^

Friday, September 7, 2007

My fireworks archive

I made this Kitty album ^^ for my friend's wedding

My ex-colleagues ...Longest karaoke buddies ^^

We have been singing karaoke together for so long karaoke buddies for a lifetime




黑白黑白 猪猪
黑白黑白 猪猪


My Best Fren >> huahua

It has been months since huahua migrated to the temple at jurong to live with it's breeds & friends..miss him lots..T.T
i missed bringing him out to play and hearing his noise & stunts in his boxy home...
when i brought him back from the pet shop, he was so tiny...erm..the size of oreo cookies but 2 years passed and he grew so big wor :)
Though he is so big, he is a friendly shy giant. He eats only gardenia bread. His bungalow (shell) is a heart shape haha ^^
I missed his pranks and plot to escape haha...i am just happy that he grew up safe and healthy and i am able to return him to his breed in such a healthy state..gee...i can't take sad situations like that..sob :(

hoping to visit him again...

friday fast

uniform: yellow and grey stripes + bermudas
shoes: white sneakers's a boring friday... and it doesn't help that i am so stuffed up by heart matters...
maybe i should go to nun's academy..wan2 cry T.T
well today i went with my ah bish dept to eat at a far far away food taste like rubber..bla
well i finished my dv xiaoyuan submission and still doing my lab maintainence...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

ah Bish Kalaoke 3rd Sept 07

We had a kaLAoke bash at Kbox on Monday nite wor ^^
it was so fun!!!!!
70% was laughing and 30% was singing

Best Singer: mr Q
Best Stamina: Don
Best Newcomer: mamahen
Best Audience: Siqi,Claire & Meiting


Teacher's day dinner (Left out)

One very important photo that i have left out hee hee :)
From left: Ah hen & Lejia