Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday 5th Oct 2007 - Karaoke again!!!

hiee ^^
this is a crazy week...lots of things to do and guess what...i have to hid in the mac lab becoz i have to avoid a really weird person xxx...freaks me out. his best fren is ah hen....poor ah hen..targeted by xxx and the lang gar thing is, xxx will be extending his stay here in zhss next week OMG @_@ ||| so lang then i cannot eat with ah-bish khakis that often..that will be very the sad wuwu T.T...have to eat alone

well me went karaoke again with ah bish dept!!! it was a lot of fun becoz we got discount!!!!! so end up per person only paid ard $6.50 waaaaa.shiok!!!..the buffet was better than marina the herbal chicken soup..i scopp the last bit which is the 'jing hua' haha...sung many old songs..very emo emo hur..


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