Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ah Henz Bday sabo 07

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday Shopping!!!! hohoo! 101107

okie it was reali fun ..i met ah ting around 12.30pm at bedok mrt then went Cineleisure to collect my macbookpro before our shopping!!! altho a bit sian lo..need to carry the macbook here and there....

Location 1: Cineleisure

Well, we had lunch at Kobayashi #B1-09. Quite nice la the food...although my ginseng chicken soup was a bit too bland...
ah ting had a bento set...with small small sushis..small small portions..hehe..mine was a set meal so it comes with strawberry pudding and a drink...

conclusion: if onli the sushi is a little bit bigger

We went to 'More than Words' shop to look for notebooks..many nice ones..but a little too ex..well the shop was playing JJ lin's songs which i SERIOUSLY HATE lo...then we look at stuff toys..more and more stuff toys omg....cannot take it anymore and ah ting have low resistance to soft toys so must draggggg her out of the shop w her clinging to the pillar in the shop.

conclusion: bought nothing from the shop... -.-

we popped by DODO club..the korean shop which i absolutely love!!! so many korean stuffs....hahahahaa..BUT
i didn't buy anything...yeah my spending power is highly disciplined..can't expect poor people like me to buy and buy right...;p we looked for notebooks...still no nice ones

conclusion: bought nothing from the shop... -.-

Location 2: Takashimaya

okie..err we went to the notebooks section...ok loads of nice jappy stuffs...meiting bought 3 notebooks as in notepads not computers...i was looking for cheap and cute 2008 calender...dun have lo...all so ex....

....then we walked to Watson!!! my fav store!!! i can spend 1 day inside but buy Nothingggg lo..maybe becoz i was doing packaging design i was like hooked on looking at packaging designs in the store..altho the designs were yucky..hurhur

there was this lady who tried to sell us spa package ..err..can't she see that we r poor..she was very despo lo..her eyes were beaming $_$..argg bish

went to Fancl...use my vouchers to collect some frens weren't there...

err then we walk to Forever 21..waa the clothes really ex lo...a simple dress is $73...not nice too..walk 1 round also nothing to buy...nvm lo...we proceed to FAR EAST PLAZA!!!!!! our shopping haven!

conclusion: taka is a nono is u got no money to spend..unless u r like me...go watsons only hahaa


recently , the walkway between Tangs scotts ..have this shelter built ...serves zero purpose la...just that there was this gallery there which i am always curious ..i'd forgotten the and ting saw 2 foreigners taking pixs we went in to kaypo also..since ppl also treat us like tourists..muahahaa...we went in and take a few the designs!!!!

Location 4: Far East Plaza

ok our target fr the day;
Meiting >> Bag
me >> nice tees...nice lollipop earrings...can't seems to get enough of lollipops...

On the way i received an sms from ex-colleague..he saw me i didn't see him..hurhur...then when i finally met up with him...waa he look so diff now :)

ok carrying on shopping!

i guessed for me and meiting, the best buys was at this PunkStar Shop.
the owner draw the designs and printed them on bags and tees..nice lo!!!

meiting was stuck between the bags and i was stuck between the nice!!! but we restrained ourselves..juz buy 1 can liao :)

we walked every levels..esp all the earring shops, can't find nice lollipop earrings...found some yucky ones which look like poo..err..dowan liao...

then while we were very meticulous looking at Q appeared from nowhere and scare the hell out of us.err

then we finally call it a day coz our feet felt like they dun belong to us liao...:)

Overall a fruitful trip to far east la :P