Friday, May 23, 2008







Friday, January 11, 2008

A week have passed...busy....but still didn't really erase the sorrow....

It has been a week...after Mr Lan Qin Xi's (MC King) death...don't know how to phrase it...but there's this veil of sorrow over me......maybe his words during lessons are still very vivid to my head. How can someone just die like unfair....although he is a celebrity....but during his class, he never have any airs about his status...when he comes in, respect was what i would gave...he was extremely down-to-earth. Last week i felt sickly due to the flu, my if it's gonna juz went watery...the news hit me hard.I am not related to Mr Lan...but i feel proud for having such a down-to-earth teacher...who once taught me.It makes me reflect about my own life..whether i have done anything that changes people's life for the better....i dunno....did i?...

The death news was like a 2nd flu..makes me blur...throughout the week, i was busy...really busy...IT lesson starts for the sec 1s, 3T and 4T...i'm trying very hard to stay conscious during the 1st few days...i couldn't take mc..the previous medication didn't work...

until the 3rd day, i couldn't take it liao.....went to see doc after my some stupid teacher still come and tell me why i mc for...i look ok people must bandaged themselves come got such EQ low ppl.....

I have been thinking...if today is my last day on will it feel...will i know how it feels....

how will people in my life feel...
Who is going to do my job and teach IT to my Sec ones, three, and four
What will happen to my unfinished plans...
Things that i wanted to say but never say to some ppl....
What about the things that i have reserved, ordered...and booked....

i dunno...

i guess i will not have the time to worry abt all these...

Guess i'll just be happy..about happy moments that i had once experienced...
perhaps dun create too much happy memories le...
i'm afraid i can't bear to let go...that will be more painful...

Monday, December 17, 2007

The photo that gotten the Ah Bish Dept really famous lo ><

omg, can u imagine this photo is on the Zhonghua Yearbook.
can u use a calculator and calculate how many students from sec 1 to 5 will be reading the yearbook.

we r as gdz as dead lo.
I mean altho we quite like the pose...


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Back from Bangkok but couldn't bring back their smiles

I guess this 2nd trip to bangkok was a much better one compared to the one last year because we sort of knew the way around and also used to how the life there works. The most vivid thing i can remember about Bangkok is the warmness of the people there and how a smile can bridge many gaps between strangers. So much so for tourists being con or badly treated...yeah i heard all the news...i guess i am lucky not to have met those.

As the younger generations of Thailand is getting fairer..we were easily mistaken for Japs, Thais and Koreans..well it was ok. i feel very much at home when i bypass the roadside stalls, the misty air, the toothy smiles, the sleepy dogs and many more very-at-ease sights at Bangkok. It was like going to another realm when i arrived at Chachuchak market...the noise of people calling for patrons at their stalls, the smell of food, the excitement of clothes-digging and etc.There were like 9000+ of stalls selling all sorts of items and you could easily spend ur life-savings there..or be like me la, only buy those whicj are really nice..then you can save a lot.

Taking the train was quite a pleasant one, people actually queue you know. Unlike in Singapore, some Singaporeans thinks that they are god if they are the first to stand infront of the door. You can always take the cab, infact it's cheaper than taking train for some instance. I didn't try the tuk tuk taxi thou.

The funny thing is , although we went Bangkok, we didn't eat anything Thai...that was unplanned...we only realised after we reached Changi Airport ..omg..We have been eating ramen..and the most yummy ramen that i have eaten is at Hachiban ramen...the Jap-style Bak Chor Mee..omg...i ate the same thing for 2 was simply irresistable! it was only about S$4+


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ah Henz Bday sabo 07

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday Shopping!!!! hohoo! 101107

okie it was reali fun ..i met ah ting around 12.30pm at bedok mrt then went Cineleisure to collect my macbookpro before our shopping!!! altho a bit sian lo..need to carry the macbook here and there....

Location 1: Cineleisure

Well, we had lunch at Kobayashi #B1-09. Quite nice la the food...although my ginseng chicken soup was a bit too bland...
ah ting had a bento set...with small small sushis..small small portions..hehe..mine was a set meal so it comes with strawberry pudding and a drink...

conclusion: if onli the sushi is a little bit bigger

We went to 'More than Words' shop to look for notebooks..many nice ones..but a little too ex..well the shop was playing JJ lin's songs which i SERIOUSLY HATE lo...then we look at stuff toys..more and more stuff toys omg....cannot take it anymore and ah ting have low resistance to soft toys so must draggggg her out of the shop w her clinging to the pillar in the shop.

conclusion: bought nothing from the shop... -.-

we popped by DODO club..the korean shop which i absolutely love!!! so many korean stuffs....hahahahaa..BUT
i didn't buy anything...yeah my spending power is highly disciplined..can't expect poor people like me to buy and buy right...;p we looked for notebooks...still no nice ones

conclusion: bought nothing from the shop... -.-

Location 2: Takashimaya

okie..err we went to the notebooks section...ok loads of nice jappy stuffs...meiting bought 3 notebooks as in notepads not computers...i was looking for cheap and cute 2008 calender...dun have lo...all so ex....

....then we walked to Watson!!! my fav store!!! i can spend 1 day inside but buy Nothingggg lo..maybe becoz i was doing packaging design i was like hooked on looking at packaging designs in the store..altho the designs were yucky..hurhur

there was this lady who tried to sell us spa package ..err..can't she see that we r poor..she was very despo lo..her eyes were beaming $_$..argg bish

went to Fancl...use my vouchers to collect some frens weren't there...

err then we walk to Forever 21..waa the clothes really ex lo...a simple dress is $73...not nice too..walk 1 round also nothing to buy...nvm lo...we proceed to FAR EAST PLAZA!!!!!! our shopping haven!

conclusion: taka is a nono is u got no money to spend..unless u r like me...go watsons only hahaa


recently , the walkway between Tangs scotts ..have this shelter built ...serves zero purpose la...just that there was this gallery there which i am always curious ..i'd forgotten the and ting saw 2 foreigners taking pixs we went in to kaypo also..since ppl also treat us like tourists..muahahaa...we went in and take a few the designs!!!!

Location 4: Far East Plaza

ok our target fr the day;
Meiting >> Bag
me >> nice tees...nice lollipop earrings...can't seems to get enough of lollipops...

On the way i received an sms from ex-colleague..he saw me i didn't see him..hurhur...then when i finally met up with him...waa he look so diff now :)

ok carrying on shopping!

i guessed for me and meiting, the best buys was at this PunkStar Shop.
the owner draw the designs and printed them on bags and tees..nice lo!!!

meiting was stuck between the bags and i was stuck between the nice!!! but we restrained ourselves..juz buy 1 can liao :)

we walked every levels..esp all the earring shops, can't find nice lollipop earrings...found some yucky ones which look like poo..err..dowan liao...

then while we were very meticulous looking at Q appeared from nowhere and scare the hell out of us.err

then we finally call it a day coz our feet felt like they dun belong to us liao...:)

Overall a fruitful trip to far east la :P

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween @ ZOUK 27/10/07

well the preparation to attend was fun and meiting met up to 'draw' ourselves ...we didn't really thot of going in for free so we just dressed proper....we splattered out all the makeup barangs and stuffs and started dribble dribble...meiting had a lot of fun drawing herself as the 'omg' panda , nice lo, ppl with double eyelid always look nice with makeup...not fair...i dun have T.T. then meiting started drawing all the tatoos over her arm...quite cool lor....i was quite worried cannot be washed off, i put together an image created in my's not really costume....juz normal lo....but i quite like, i felt comfortable although wearing shorts mean that i will be fed by mosquitos..... Initially my makeup was ok, but i kaypo went to try out gothic style undereye...ended tooking like chinese opera...T.T so no choice, gotta washed off...argg so wasted lo..........i think the money i spent on all these is quite worth it, coz i can reuse all, not like u rent a costume and u have to return it...hehe....i love my $29.90 boots, who say boots muz be expensive lo...poor people look out for more affordable items....

oh, how can i forget, i make wings leh
black wings lo, very proud of it lo, ppl spend $39.90 buy a small wing or $100-150 buy big wings
i spend less than $8 made de lo...waahahahahahaha ;p

Materials to making wings:
1 packet of feathers - $5
1 piece of black paper - $0.30
Spray Mount - no need $$
2 black sponge-like textiles - $1.20
soft plastic cd cover case - no need $$
Black String - $1.20

Outcome of Dribble Dribble:
黑社会 (女流氓) - Meiting ended looking like Italian mafia's daughter with the tatoos on her right arm...
黑色羽毛 (刺客) - Me! me ended looking like errr....some toopid angel with black wings , who could have dropped to earth but in the process hit some trees and messed up all the feathers...but heng mr Q said my dressing looked a bit like Rouge in Maple Story...ok, at least human lor, not birds...wakaka :P

okie we dressed up, happy happy ,then at abt 6.45pm, we went to grab a cab, we were a bit worried coz no taxi...skarly they thot we were the leftovers from 7th month, tsk. Got 1 idiot whistled at us over the street, siao de....luckily we didn't dress scary...finally hopped into one cab and we went to Marina Sq to fetch mr Q. mr Q dressed as 白衣王子.he got no 白马today, but got taxi

we reached ZOUK, 7 early 8 early lo...nothing to do...stand there feed feed mosquitos...doing charity..donate donate blood unwillingly then we went to Golden Copthornes' toilet scare ppl...and in the process i dropped a lot of feathers in the toilet, sad...我的羽毛.....then we came back to join the Q and QQQQQQQQ for so long, until i can fall alsleep not really a night owl, i can fall alseep in the noisest kind of situation... T.T

we met some of meiting's frens...and guess what, we were first in Q...
compared to the rest, me considered normal lo....nvm la...yep i paid the entrance fee...

I was so bored in the Q...others were busy chatting...i couldn't find a common topic, was a bit feverish oso...whole day liao...even after 2 panadols...doesn't help...wan2 faint...anyway, i just daydreamed at my spot.....

after my daydreaming session ended....i was there looking at the Q opposite....i was keeping myself entertained observing ppl doing funny things. I saw this guy , long hair, white robe, carrying a plastic baby, walking around, really acting as some ghost...then he sat at a corner and do rock-a-by..hehe....then got 1 big size guy, in the process of scaring ppl, almost tripped and fell flat on his face. Got another lost soul also keep whining 冤枉in cantonese...hehe...i saw the hotdog pushcart stall..gee was a bit hungry..but nvm la....the person Queing behind me was supposed to dress like L. omg, if u dun tell me, i wouldn't know lo, he so weird, i thot he was toking to himself...hmmm white long sleeve + a wig can be L, win liao lo.

Oh before that, there was a surprise....ah hen smsed me asking what time was the party haha..surprise lo, initially he keep saying don't want don't want don't want..but after we threatened him that we were going to burn down his gym, he finally gave in YAY!!! he brought his friends, John, Johnny and Mike and so on...john was very on lo...he and Doris (meiting's friend's friend) v daring lo...*hands up* and we have Farabi, Jen and Jack also...Jen really 全部豁出去...really entertaining the guys,dancing 连体舞 with them...seemed that theguys really really very happy lo haha....艳福不浅..also ah hen also kena stripped so many times by Doris, i guess Doris had a liking for him ba wahaha..ah hen 赚到咯.

amazing to see how ppl spend so much buying the outfits....but really give credits to those we made an effort to use those cardboards and made those jackpot outfit....very creative...i was purely there for fun...
basically clubbing was not for me...altho i am glad that there's no more cigarette smell on my hair liao...
when we went in, it was just dancing drinking phototaking...well maybe coz me and meiting were trying out our new dance call the "seaweed+ jellyfish dance" ...we really really didn't really blend in,;s ok, people dun pay to see me , so i oso dun bother....i paid, i came , i do watever i liked lor..

i muz say zouk's lychee martini is ok la, but very mild...and sweet.....well it was photo-takings and more phototakings..i love the photo with mr bean hahaa so funni...he was v shy...i poked his bear on the head...hehe

They were many dressing as the chinese zombies and poor them, they had to jump around, from zouk to phuture and so on....even ghosts who are not related to the zombies also joined in to jump...the funni thing is once 1 person infront stop without warning, the rest will all hit each other...hehe

me and meiting were running around with Jack to take pixs with those clubbers with nice costumes..there were traffic polices,marilyn monroe, african tribe, constantine, aliens, dracula, corpse bride, and OMG barney, Hannibal, Scream, The Incredibles, B/w long tongue ghosts, Super Mario, Jackpot, and alot of jappy wears....

Conclusion: No more clubbing next hallooween